How website chatbots help businesses?

A decade ago, setting up a business website could put you head and shoulders above most of your competitors. But that couldn’t be further from the truth today. Things have changed phenomenally in the online world, and business owners can no longer make do with functional websites. They now need to go the extra mile to make their websites easy to find, use, and return to. Online chatbots are designed to do just that. If you’re a business owner and looking to get better results from your website, you need to add a website chatbot.

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Will Lead Gen Chatbot help my website conversions?

It is vital for businesses to not only provide their customers with relevant information and assistance as and when they ask for it, but to also connect with them on a human level. Customers ... [read more]

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The majority of lead generation challenges faced by modern businesses pertain to the specific online marketing tools and processes that they use. Information gaps, ambiguity or technical gli ... [read more]

Can a website chatbot save money?

Multiple surveys have identified a lack of resources as the primary obstacle for lead generation marketers. Lead generation and conversion is a delicate and nuanced process, and the time and ... [read more]
